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Dr. Alec No. 9300

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Dr. Alec  No. 9300 Empty Dr. Alec No. 9300

Post by Jim Tue May 22, 2018 12:43 am

[quote="Jim"]Dr.Alec No. 9300 / Dr.Alec No. 9300
produzione Italiana per il mercato Europeo / Italian production for European market
anno di produzione 1984 - year of production 1984
anno di commercializzazione 1985 - year of commercialization 1985

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 S-l16015

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 S-l16016

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 S-l16017

Content :

- Figure Made in Italy, light Skin ,grasping hands, swivel head, Blue slip , elasticated leg joining. Bulging muscle and his right arm hits karate.

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 Alessi10

Accessoires :

- camouflage shirt
- Green Helmet
- green armor
- Light Green shorts with green seam
- Green socks
- Brown shoes
- Brown Double belts with femoral joint
- Silver spacecraft gun rifle
- Silver space gun
- Silver space knife
- Silver electronic bracelet
- yellow gyrocopter (to be assembled).
- 6 decals
- Instruction sheet

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 Pujpj10

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 Joo10

Dr. Alec  No. 9300 Pojop10

Posts : 126
Join date : 2016-10-16

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